Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fading Away...

I sit in the silence of my own crowded self,
And listen to the symphony of my heart,
Hear it sing its own sad tale,
Love, it says, it's time to depart,
Come listen to me, listen to my soul,
Among the beautiful notes, and carrying highs,
I wish you could listen, just that much close,
For then, you'll hear, my lone heart's sighs,
But that is the beauty, and it shall hide hence,
Shrouded within the flowers, I take refuge, mine,
Come, here I lie, open, bare,
Among the glittering dew drops, my tears shine,
But there has been time, when I have lived,
Floating in your arms, dying in your embrace,
Such delightfully surprising, this magical rebirth,
And mesmerizing love, on your face,
Remember I still do, thy sigh, thy smile,
My love, nothing of you can I forget,
This wind speaks of you, sky rain your name,
I yearn to live again, the day we met,
It feels so hard, it's time to go,
And perhaps never again, shall I see you,
But I have faith, may not others know,
'tis you, who feels, that, which is true


Anonymous said...

i must say when you love someone ,Don't let that person go away!
take the hand and speak everything with eyes.
on your work, am speechless:)

Ahmed Belal Hashmi said...

uh, I don't even know if you will come back to see this, but I want to thank you, for taking time out read what I try to write :)

Anonymous said...

you are welcome:)

Anonymous said...

speechlex speechlex!!! i jux wish i knew where t' grab hold o yew! ;)

. said...

It is brilliant. You write really good :) Looking forward to read more. Sabah Ahsan Malik